...and trust me it's not butterflies, but the 5 lbs. of chocolate I just finished eating :)
Who doesn't love the taste of chocolate? Whether I'm eating it or drinking it, I can't help but savor the taste. It must be my comfort food because I just can't get enough.

Here's the interior. By the way, Hans Burie's chocolate car is made with 1800 pounds or 28,800 ounces of Belgian chocolate!
I have one more idea for you and it's not edible, but it looks just like the real thing! These magnets are made from moldable plastic but I would make mine with polymer clay. Cute though aren't they? And zero calories! Maybe I should make some of these for myself...
Who doesn't love the taste of chocolate? Whether I'm eating it or drinking it, I can't help but savor the taste. It must be my comfort food because I just can't get enough.
Look at this picture of pastry chef Gregor Pfaff putting the finishi
ng touches on a gigantic chocolate heart. It weighs approximately 2,028 pounds, and stands 16 feet high and 16 feet in width. Geez, I would marry this man just so I could lick his hands when he came home from work. I bet he smells wonderful after his 8-hour shift!

I have to admit when I think of Valentines Day, my first thoughts are not necessarily of the sentimental kind but rather of the wonderful chocolate delicacies that Godiva and Ghiradelli will be whipping up just for me! With that in mind, I found a few ideas of some chocolate fancies you can create for your special someone. As for me, I'm going to hop a plane to Germany and see if I can find that pastry chef guy...

Chocolate and roses, how classically romantic. Put the two together and sculpt some chocolate roses. It's not as hard as you might think. Here's how...
my favorite way to eat chocolate. Easy to make with just a few ingredients and they turn out luscious every time! Hershey has a great recipe.
Chocolate dipped strawberries with champagne? Another image that invokes romance... Simple and Allrecipes.com shows you how. They also have a recipe for chocolate covered cherries.
Then I found a cake called Death by Chocolate and I'm thinking, "Hey, we all gotta go sometime right?" :) And at Cooks.com, believe it or not, they have 150 recipes for it. I've personally never tried it but someone obviously likes it! Sounds delicious...

Or if you're really ambitious about impressing your man this year, you could be like this guy and just make him a car out of chocolate! Bet that would get you some Chanel♥

How much chocolate is that? Well, 1800 pounds, or 28,800 ounces is equal to 19,200 bars of Hershey's 1.5 oz. Chocolate Symphony bars or 9,600 bars of Lindt 3 oz. WOW!! Another man after my heart!

Well, gotta go because I'm hungry!...now, where did I stash those M&M's?
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