Ahh...conversation hearts. What Valentine's Day would be complete without them? Those tiny hearts with little messages that inspire -You Go Girl or make us blush - I'm Yours - just bursting with the flavor of hmmm...let me see...chalk dust? school paste? wallpaper?? No, no, those things actually have a flavor. One thing's for sure, even though no one I know can quite describe what they taste like, we still must love 'em because I read they are the #1 candy sold on Valentine's Day. Really, number one? I wonder if whoever researched that ever saw those big red satin hearts filled with Godiva or Ghirardelli or Lindt or even good old Hershey kisses :) I can't tell you if I've ever sat anxiously waiting in heart pounding anticipation for my man to burst through the door on Valentine's Day with a tiny pink wrapped package of...of...wait, wait, here it comes...oh honey, you brought me conversation hearts? You shouldn't have...no really, you shouldn't have - unless it would be the one that says Marry Me and it was tied with a ribbon to a diamond big enough to send me into romantic bliss! When that happens is when my love affair with conversation hearts will definitely begin. But even though I can't bring myself to actually eat them, I sure did find a lot of stuff on what to make with them. I'm figuring there are a lot of people, like me, who just gave up on the taste and decided, "What the heck, I got lots of these little things, I have to do something with them". You can't imagine all the projects I found with those hearts glued on 'em. Apparently, if you have the art of gluing down then you can make virtually anything with these. Google "conversation hearts" and see how many hits you get. Incredible. So, after much searching, here is what I think is the best of the best...
Jewelry! - hey, since my cheap boyfriend didn't buy me any from Chanel, I guess I'll have to make my own earrings...
and barrettes!
Honestly now, I think either of these would be cute for a little girl to wear and they are some of the better ideas for these thingys. Here's how to make your own out of polymer clay from Crafty Goat. I really do like her project, after all making your own from clay instead of using the real thing keeps all the ants away from nibbling on your sugary earlobes :) She even gives you a pdf file with the little sayings on them and shows you how to transfer them on the clay. As for the barrette, just glue some cardstock onto a barrette blank and have fun gluing and gluing (lots of gluing here) stacks of hearts on it. Then spray with clear sealer. Me personally, if I were making the barrette, I would use Crafty Goat's clay ones. Maybe, I just have issues with wearing real foodstuffs...How about an Ipod case made with a box of conversation hearts and peanut butter cup earphones? Really clever idea for anyone who carries their Ipod everywhere and there are a lot of people I know who do! Instructions are from Family Fun and they have a printable file for the dial and Ipod screen. If you have children, this is one of the best sites I've found for crafting ideas. I wish mine were still young enough to take valentines to school. I miss those days. Remember the paper covered shoeboxes we used to decorate? I couldn't wait to read all of mine...
Another cute idea also from Family Fun is a cell phone card with a text message on it. The number pad is made from candy buttons. It doesn't have anything to do with conversation hearts but it was just too adorable not to list here.
Ever wish you could stamp your own message on a heart? How come I didn't know about this when I dated all of those losers? The things I would've printed on those... oh well, a site called Evil Mad Scientists shows you how. Don't let their name fool you, they show you lots of neat things to do with these like using them for sidewalk chalk and how to make a Lego catapult to shoot them around with. I have a 21 year old son who would want to do that!
Speaking of heart messages, for a good laugh go to Bittersweet and check out theirs. These are the hearts I shoulda had way back when. Some of my personal favorites are: dog is cuter, no mon no fun, u left seatup, p.s. I luv me!, he has a job, do my dishes...they are hilarious! And they list their flavors... Banana Chalk, Grape Dust, Nappy-Citric, You-Call-This-Lime?, Pink Sand and Fossilized Antacid. Not very appetizing but at least they're truthful about it. Finally, in this much too lengthy posting, I have found, insert applause here, a recipe for conversation hearts. Made like the real thing except you can actually make them any flavor your little heart desires...Enjoy!
lots and lots of conversation hearts♥
Posted by My Name is Candy at 12:26 PM
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I think those little hearts taste like dry toothpaste. Yuk!! I agree with you where's the Ghiradelli chocolates?
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