Oh dear, I know how you feel...you spent all that time dreaming and shopping and hopefully creating♥...and now you have the perfect present to give to your Valentine sweetheart. You go to the closet to get the boxes leftover from Christmas...and wait a minute, hold on right there...that's all you have? You're trapped, my dear, hopelessly trapped in the "I have to reuse" syndrome. Now, I know you're trying to be thrifty since you just spent your last dime and I'm all about being green...but we're not that kind of woman, you and I. We are super women, super crafty women, and as such, we refuse to be tacky and use something that still has little pieces of Christmas wrap and used sticky tape on the sides! No, no, not for our sweet honey bunnies gift! We'll save 'em for our mother-in-law's birthday! And since we're much more originial than that, let's think beyond those old worn out boxes and make our own... I promise these will be quick and inexpensive to create. :)

Gotta love that Martha Stewart...she always has a different idea for the simplest things. These little paper hearts are folded using origami paper and your treat is happily waiting inside! Find it here.

What's take-out without fortune cookies? Cute little pins made to hold your own loving sentiments. Family Corner made theirs from craft foam, I would use felt. Or you could make them larger and fill them with treats like Martha did here. Think of it, a teeny tiny take-out box with a little felt fortune cookie pin inside that says "I love you"...my favorite idea along with the Hershey kiss. And if you want to go further, here is a recipe on how to make fortune cookies. Even better...yum!
Don't you feel better now that your little "pretties" are all lined up in those stunning little containers specially handmade by you? See, I told you it would be fun! Oh and by the way, my gift to you is the wish of happy memories, simple pleasures, much laughter and quiet moments spent with those who love you the most. ♥ Enjoy!
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