Okay, so no blog of mine would be complete without a picture of my little baby chihuahua named - what else? Buttons - which is actually a double twist because I collect buttons and she is "cute as a button"! She was a gift from my son Matt and his fiancee' Tasha on Christmas Eve. Adorable as she is, don't let her good looks fool you, because she is definitely the princess of her domain! Everyone who sees her falls under that "princess spell" and showers her with lots of love and ear scratches and she commands all of the attention just like her little royal highness should. I wish you could see her walk, she prances like a little deer. She is 16 weeks old now and such a good "helper" - that is... she sits on her mommy's lap and keeps me warm while I sew and she sleeps. To give you an idea of just how tiny she is, here is a picture of her with my son Michael.

C'mon now, let me hear you say awwww... :)
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