shhh...I've got a secret... someone very dear to me is going to have her first baby. I can't give away any details, but I am thrilled for her and her husband! They tried for a long time to get pregnant and it finally happened. I believe God's timing is always right♥
Thinking about their happiness and remembering the joy I felt with my three makes me want to create soft tiny things...
So, my inspiration for today's post is this photo I found on Flickr. Amazing isn't it? You can count each little toe. It reminds me of my oldest son Matt. He used to do this and there were times when I thought he was just going to kick his way out! I was sure I had a NFL player on the way :) And it also reminds me of the sheer miracle of having a child growing inside you.
And with tiny feet in mind, here are some adorable patterns I found...
Little shoes from Stardust's Shoes. Don't you just love babies little toes....and little hands....and little noses...I could go on and on.
While Stardust's shoes are made with fabric scraps, Heather Bailey's Bitty Booties uses felt.
Another style using felt is from Martha Stewart. These remind me of those Mary Jane strap shoes I used to wear...

For you knitters, here's one from Saartje Knits
A clever tutorial from Bare Maked shows you how to make reversible ones. Two different looks from one shoe!
Aimee Larsen from Homespun Threads has a pdf pattern for kimono shoes. I've made these before - easy to do!
This style comes from OHelene. Don't they look so soft and warm? When your baby starts walking, she shows you how to make them in leather too.
Although I love all these ideas, I think this one is my favorite. Firefly shoes made with tiny led lights that light up when baby walks. How adorable is that? I could see these for boys too - maybe fire engines with lights on top? The tutorial made by Ana Pires and Joao Silva is on Craftzine.
Lastly, I wanted to show you this pattern from Precious Patterns available for purchase on Etsy. Aren't these sweet? They have several other pdf patterns - bears, monkeys, etc. and they're prices are very reasonable. Enjoy!

Tell me, what is half so sweet, as a baby's tiny feet,
Pink and dainty as can be, like a coral from the sea?
Talk of jewels strung in rows, gaze upon those little toes,
Fairer than a diadem, with the mother kissing them!
It is morning and she lies, uttering her happy cries,
While her little hands reach out, for the feet that fly about.
Then I go to her and blow, laughter out of every toe;
Hold her high and let her place, tiny footprints on my face.
Little feet that do not know, where the winding roadways go,
Little feet that never tire, feel the stones or trudge the mire,
Still too pink and still too small, to do anything but crawl,
Thinking all their wanderings fair, filled with wonders everywhere.
Little feet, so rich with charm, may you never come to harm.
As I bend and proudly blow, laughter out of every toe,
This pray, that God above, shall protect you with His love,
And shall guide those little feet, safely down life's broader street.
-"Baby Feet" from the book "Rhymes Of Childhood" by Edgar Guest ©1924