So here's the scene outside my booth at the Heritage Festival... hmmm, not very inviting is it? We braved it out though thinking that it would stop at some point throughout the day, but the skies above proved us wrong. It rained all day long!
Gratefully, my son Josh was there to set up my canopy and he put up some "lovely blue tarps" from the hardware store since I don't have any sides. I usually put the curtains around the side poles and use pink polka dot ribbon to tie them know, the whole girly frufru vibe.
Despite all the drip drops and decorating issues, we managed to get set up and ended up having a wonderful day! Believe it or not, there were quite a few shoppers and we made some new friends. One of which was a sweet lady named Rachel who gave me some flattering blog love on her site. Thanks Rachel for the compliments! She sells cute little organic baby toys...please visit her at prettylizzielu. My sister Sandy, (trying to hide in the picture) hung out with me all day... we got soaking wet and laughed the whole time!!!
Even Bob the Monkey Man perservered the weather and managed to put a smile on lots of little faces! Don't you love his little companion? She's rockin' her little dress, isn't she? Now, that's my kinda girl, still stylin' underneath those gray skies!!!
Now that it's over, I'm once again sewing for my next venue, Staunton Art Center's Art for Gifts. This time of year is always so busy for me with the holiday season right around the corner. But that's another blog post...until then wishing you sunny skies and lots of laughter during the rainy ones. Enjoy!
“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain” - Author Unknown
(Hey, who is this guy Author anyway? Maybe he is the brother of "I Dunno" - he was my boys' best friend when I used to ask them, "Who did this?" :)
raindrops keep fallin' on my head...
Posted by My Name is Candy at 1:43 PM 0 comments
timberville heritage festival
Wow, I have certainly become a "lazy" blogger lately, but, as is a "sneek peek" of my new purses that I'll be showing at the Timberville Heritage Festival. In celebration of the town's 125th aniversary, this event is Saturday, September 26 from 9 till 4 on American Legion Drive next to Food Lion Plaza. They'll have food, entertainment and about 40 crafters there, so come on out and see me and Laura. That's right, my baby will be showing with me and it will be her first! I'm so excited, she's made some really nice bags...

At my last show, I had so many little girls looking for purses they could use. I forget sometimes that we grown-ups are just "little girls grown tall". So not to forget the "divas in training"...I made some tiny ones. I want to carry a kitty cat purse! You can't read it from the photo but the front middle purse says "dance, bloom, play, and imagine"...and isn't that what all of us "princesses" want to do? Let's all remember to take time to laugh, love and especially's too short not to! Enjoy!
Posted by My Name is Candy at 8:52 PM 1 comments
if I stitch fast enough, does it count as aerobic exercise?
Posts have been too far between lately, but I've committed myself to two fall shows and have been wildly stitching! Found this video on You Tube and it's so appropriate for how I'm feeling now...seems like every spare minute of mine is spent at my machine. For those of you who participate in shows, I'm sure you can's alot of work! But for me, nothing compares to handmade♥ Enjoy this little ditty by Betty Hutton until I find time to put together a decent post. I have so many new purses that I have to photograph in order to share them with you, promise that won't be too much longer. Oh, and for those of you who are not as old as dust like me, Betty Hutton was a movie star in the forties...
Posted by My Name is Candy at 2:18 PM 0 comments
but you’ll never get it until you start walking...

Posted by My Name is Candy at 9:34 PM 0 comments
laura's having a purse sale !!!
When God created my Laura♥ He must've been thinking about cheerful and kind-hearted, I know it sounds cliche, but she really does brighten up everyone's day with her continuous smiles.
She has these and many more to choose from at, so if you have a moment, please stop by and visit her. At twenty dollars for a handmade bag, you can have a new look at a very affordable price. She'll even make you a new wallet to match for $8.00! Thank you and as always...lots of love from me to you♥ Enjoy!
Posted by My Name is Candy at 9:21 PM 0 comments
sunshine and good times...
A juried show, I was honored to be selected to participate with many talented artisians at Art in the Park show held in Staunton, VA.
Sponsored by the Staunton Augusta Art Center, it's held annually during the month of May.
As you can see, the weather was picture perfect, the people were fabulous and I sold sooo many of my bags. Whoo hoo!
Now I can buy more fabric♥ Hey, I gotta feed my cloth addiction somehow...didn't your mom ever tell you more fiber? How was I supposed to know mine meant cereal?
It was my first time at an outdoor show - this is my small table where I had wallets, key fobs, organizers, etc. - you know, all the little necessities we girls can't live without :)
I made the bag on the left with Paula Prass' Flights of Fancy Beach Stripe and Zinna Path in Ocean while the one above is Lila Tueller's Woodland Bloom Colossal Blossoms and Sunny Day Dot in Cloud.
Marjorie Post's Fete De Fleurs Poppies was the inspiration for the bag above along with Robert Kaufman's Hot Couturier on the left.
Left to Right: Jennifer Moore's Mod Hen and Beaded Curtain (my sister's favorite), Jane Sassaman's Coneflower and Paula Prass' Flights of Fancy. This bag style is the one I like to design and sew the most. I love the front panel with the coordinate on the sides.
Thank you for stopping by and letting me share some of the fun of my day with you. It has inspired me to continue with another show at Blue Ridge Community College's Fall Festival in September. Until then, check back soon for an Etsy store I have in the works. E-mail me... I would love to hear from you♥
Posted by My Name is Candy at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Staunton Art in the Park
First, I must apologize to all of my regular readers for not posting in so long. I've spent the last month sewing every night preparing for an art show I participated in this weekend. I met so many wonderful people and had an incredible time! I have so much to tell you...including plans for a new Etsy store! I have to get all of my pictures from the show together first, so please check back soon and I will have everything up to share.
♥Love to you all, Candy
Posted by My Name is Candy at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Happy Easter!
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
I wish you a blessed Easter with those you love♥
Posted by My Name is Candy at 10:35 AM 0 comments
ooo la la...
Ahhh...spring is in the air - young lovers are out everywhere and where am I you might wonder? Well...sewing a poodle skirt of course! Silly you, I bet you thought I had spring fever too :) I do, I do, but first I have a PILE of sewing to finish.
The poodle skirt is for my little friend Madeline. She and her daddy are invited to the Girl Scout 50's Sock Hop and she had to call her "Granny" Candy to hook her up with a girly look! Actually, I'm not really her granny, I think I'm just the oldest person her mommy knows that can both sew and remember when they wore poodle skirts :) Here's how it turned out (it's folded over a hanger, I wasn't gonna iron that puppy twice just for a picture!) Of course I used felt for the skirt - what an easy sew - no hemming needed! And instead of being really creative and cutting out my own, I used an applique I bought at Wal-Mart. Good ole' Wal-Mart...when we're in a pinch, what would we do without 'em?
Next, I added some bling for the leash. By the way, a bit of trivia here, I read that back in the fifties if you wore a poodle skirt with a leash it meant you had a beau and was tied to him already. But if your poodle was without a leash, you were available for dancing that night... Finished it with a matching hair bow and a little scarf with hot fix crystals that say "Sweet"...which is just what my little friend Maddie is...the sweetest little five year old I know♥
Want to make one of your own? They only take an hour or so and I found an adorable poodle applique pattern from Love in Stitches. And good directions on how to make the skirt here. Enjoy! Life lessons learned from a dog...
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy-ride.
Get the most out of the experience of fresh air and wind in your face
When family members come home, always run to greet them.
Be obedient; when it’s in your best interest.
Protect your territory.
Take naps and stretch before rising.
Run and play daily.
Eat with enthusiasm.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you’re not.
If you want what is buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close and nuzzle them gently.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Don’t bite when a growl will do.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
No matter how often you’re scolded, don’t feel guilty and pout. Run right back and make friends.
Bond with your pack.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk
If it's not wet and sloppy, it's not a real kiss♥
Posted by My Name is Candy at 9:43 PM 0 comments
a new handbag blog to visit...
For those of you who don't already know, this is my son Michael's girlfriend, Laura. Hopefully, someday she will be my daughter-in-law, but she already seems like a daughter to me now♥
Last year, I taught her to sew and she was a natural at it. She caught on very quickly and has been at her machine ever since! Now she sews more than I do and I am so pleased that she loves it as much as she does.
The best part is that she shows you, on her site, several different styles and lets you customize it the way you want it. You decide your own colors, style, how many pockets, etc. and she will work with you to create a bag just how you want it to be! Isn't that a cool concept? It really is a one of a kind - just for you... And I have to say her prices are really reasonable.
If you click on her banner below, it will take you to her site. By the way, you may be asking why she named it Loora's
Handbags instead of Laura's - well, Loora is a silly little nickname my son calls her. And why the x-ray hand? She's going to college to be an X-Ray technician and is getting ready to graduate in May. Way to go Laura - we're all proud of you!

Posted by My Name is Candy at 3:02 PM 2 comments
this little piggy goes to market...
shhh...I've got a secret... someone very dear to me is going to have her first baby. I can't give away any details, but I am thrilled for her and her husband! They tried for a long time to get pregnant and it finally happened. I believe God's timing is always right♥
Thinking about their happiness and remembering the joy I felt with my three makes me want to create soft tiny things...
So, my inspiration for today's post is this photo I found on Flickr. Amazing isn't it? You can count each little toe. It reminds me of my oldest son Matt. He used to do this and there were times when I thought he was just going to kick his way out! I was sure I had a NFL player on the way :) And it also reminds me of the sheer miracle of having a child growing inside you.
And with tiny feet in mind, here are some adorable patterns I found... Little shoes from Stardust's Shoes. Don't you just love babies little toes....and little hands....and little noses...I could go on and on.
While Stardust's shoes are made with fabric scraps, Heather Bailey's Bitty Booties uses felt.
Another style using felt is from Martha Stewart. These remind me of those Mary Jane strap shoes I used to wear...
For you knitters, here's one from Saartje KnitsA clever tutorial from Bare Maked shows you how to make reversible ones. Two different looks from one shoe!
Aimee Larsen from Homespun Threads has a pdf pattern for kimono shoes. I've made these before - easy to do!
This style comes from OHelene. Don't they look so soft and warm? When your baby starts walking, she shows you how to make them in leather too.
Although I love all these ideas, I think this one is my favorite. Firefly shoes made with tiny led lights that light up when baby walks. How adorable is that? I could see these for boys too - maybe fire engines with lights on top? The tutorial made by Ana Pires and Joao Silva is on Craftzine.
Lastly, I wanted to show you this pattern from Precious Patterns available for purchase on Etsy. Aren't these sweet? They have several other pdf patterns - bears, monkeys, etc. and they're prices are very reasonable. Enjoy!
Tell me, what is half so sweet, as a baby's tiny feet,
Pink and dainty as can be, like a coral from the sea?
Talk of jewels strung in rows, gaze upon those little toes,
Posted by My Name is Candy at 3:42 PM 1 comments
a perfect day...
Last Saturday was pretty close to what I would consider a perfect day. For one thing, it was close to 70 degrees and here in Virginia, we haven't felt that warm in quite a while. With all of that sunshine beaming down on us, all of us girls decided to go...hmm...hiking?...bird watching? playing?
Oh please, if you only knew us, you would know any of those choices would be out of the question. No, no, on the first beautiful spring day since...well, since last spring, we all jumped (hey, jumping is exercising, right?) in Sandy's SUV, drove to Staunton, met with Tina and Bella and went fabric shopping.
Yup, shopping...hey, it's what we do best :) Our first stop was Rachel's Quilt Shop and when I walked through the front door and saw this...
...I knew some serious money was about to be spent.
Let me tell you a little about their shop...
Inside of an old train depot is more eye candy than you can imagine with every spot filled with fabric juicyness.
In fact, I took so many pictures that I decided to create a little Smilebox for you.
They're open Monday thru Saturday from 8 till 5 and on Tuesdays and Thursdays till 8. So if you're in Virginia, stop by their shop, it's well worth the trip :) Or visit them online here and check out their class schedule. Here's what I found there:
Mary Engelbreit's "Recipe for Friendship" for my new quilt that I'm starting with my sister Sandy♥ Windham's "Feed Sack III" for a new purse.
And some Red Rooster "Paisley Party" which is going to be a special surprise for someone I love♥
After a scrumptious lunch of Seafood Quiche at the Depot Grille with Tasha and Sandy and a few stops at some "girl shops", it was time to head home with our treasures. By the way, the Grille is right beside Rachel's and the food is fabulous!
On the way home, I saw a few license plates I wanted to share with you.I wonder if this car belongs to Rachel...
Yeah, I heart pink too :)
So even though spring doesn't officially start until the 20th of March, it sure felt like our first perfect spring day to me, but then again, anyday spent with my girls is perfect for me...
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
P.S. If you've never tried Smilebox, it's easy, fun and free! You can choose lots of albums, upload your pictures and print it out for a scrapbook or share online.
Posted by My Name is Candy at 7:49 PM 0 comments